
Сообщения за июнь, 2019

How a Former Rector of the Kharkiv University of Radioelectronics Became a Scourge for Students

From now on, the knowledge of students of Ukrainian medical universities will be tested by an IT specialist, not a medic. Does it make any sense? On May 21, seven thousand senior students of Ukrainian medical universities have taken the test “KROK-2” (“STEP-2”) to verify their professional knowledge. Students have been taking this examination for 20 consecutive years already; but they clearly disliked the 2019 version of the test: the questionnaire included a number of very difficult questions. During the next few weeks students picketed the Ministry of Health, wrote  petitions  to the President of Ukraine and actively discussed on Telegram Channel Eduard Rubin, the newly appointed chief of the Testing Center at the Ministry of Health. In the meantime, Rubin kept reading the discussion in which 3,500 people took part and tried to figure out how to deal with that anxious young crowd. “We weren’t taught those things!” the students complained in the chat. Allegedly, the questions were bor